An upcoming trip often means figuring out details of accommodations, activities, transportation, and more… But what about the home you leave behind while traveling?
It is important to keep your home safe, secure, and clean while on vacation so that when you return after days or weeks of being away, you can transition smoothly back into your routine and space.
Here are three ways you can prepare your home so it is in tip-top shape while traveling, and you can enjoy your much-needed getaway with peace of mind!
#1: Tidy Up
There is no better feeling than returning to a clean home. The little things we take care of each day are often forgotten when we’re focused on pre-trip planning and prep. Make sure to set your home up for freshness and success before you head to the airport! For example, we recommend you:
Take out the trash: Remove any trash and recycling from your home before you leave. When you get home, not only will the house be fresher, but it will be one less thing to think about unpacking.
Clean out the fridge: Similar to taking out the trash, remove any old items from your fridge, or food that might expire while you’re away. One step beyond that, try to stock your kitchen with non-perishable items or frozen foods so that when you return you can have an easy meal without needing to rush to the grocery store.
Empty and fold laundry: When you unpack your suitcase, you will likely need to start a fresh load of laundry! Before you leave, make sure the machines are empty and your clothes are folded and put away. Having fresh laundry and free machines will make your return that much smoother.
Do a general clean-up: It goes without saying that a tidy home is a happy home. A deep clean isn’t necessary, but take the time to vacuum, clean bathrooms, and remove general dust or build-up. You don’t want to return home, only to have your relaxed mindset taken away.
#2: Take Safety Precautions
Safety first! By ensuring the proper safety measures are in place in and around your home while you travel, you are more likely to relax, unwind, and decompress while traveling. You can’t truly unplug if you’re worrying about whether or not you left your straightener plugged in. Follow these tips to keep your home safe:
Reduce fire hazards: Go around the home and unplug and put away all electronics, especially items like hair dryers, straighteners, an iron, decorative lights, and more. Anything that does not need power while you are gone should be unplugged.
Lock windows and doors: Do a sweep of the home and make sure all windows and doors are locked. If a family member or friend is checking on the home while you’re away, be sure to communicate with them about keys, locking mechanisms, and more.
Set your security systems: Many homes these days have electronic security systems in place. Be sure that yours is aligned with whatever schedule, timing, frequency, etc. needed for the time you are away.
Ask for help: If you really need someone to keep an eye on the place, ask a trusted friend, neighbor, or family member to house-sit while you are gone, or at least pop in every so often to make sure all is well!
#3 Conserve Energy and Bills
Conservation is key! There is no need to keep all your utilities pumping full steam ahead while you are gone. Not only would that be wasteful for the planet, but it is wasteful for your wallet. Take the time to adjust your utilities to their minimal level so that when you face your bills again you won’t experience any value shock or regret. Try these tips:
Lower the thermostat: Ah, the thermostat, and age-old battle. Depending on the season, adjust your thermostat to a level that sustains the home, but is not unnecessary. For example, in the cold of winter, don’t set the thermostat so low that you freeze your pipes, but it does not need to be firing at 70 degrees while you are gone. If you are lucky enough to have a smart thermostat, you can adjust it to away hours and return to a perfectly temperate home.
Save your lights: To conserve electricity, turn off most lights in the house. However, we recommend considering security lights, or automatic lights that help to deter any sort of intruders. Often, you can put lights around your house on timers, or you can use smart bulbs and control the lights while gone - even going so far as to put them on a different timing cadence each day.
Collect your bills: Ask a friend or trusted neighbor to collect your mail during the time you’re gone. This will help keep your mail organized and easier to return to, but also protect your mailbox and home from snoops and intruders who may be paying attention to your mail piling up out front!
Ready to get your house in order and go on that vacation you’ve always dreamed of? Schedule your FREE Travel Consultation today and start planning with the ELx Travel Team!